Sample Activity

Qdos Career Hub days for young people will include:

  • Speakers from the world of work
  • Project based learning activities, such as real-life projects
  • Virtual and real workplace visits and planning work experience
  • Industry insight sessions
  • Work ‘taster’ events and competitions
  • Careers fairs and career networking events
  • Help with developing careers management skills

  • Further and Higher Education options and guidance
  • Training, Apprenticeship options and guidance
  • Employability skills sessions
  • National Careers Service, labour market and the needs of employers
  • Access to creative online resources and labour market information
  • Support with CV building, job searches and job interviews

For young people, Career Days can be tailored to curriculum-based projects, the PSHE school programme, or focus on career/apprenticeship/university options for key ‘decision times’ in the academic year.

Years 7-9
Students Year 10 Students Year 11 Students Year 12 Staff CPD
Personal Development Knowing yourself:
Identifying strengths, opportunities & aspirations
Life skills: Work tasters & competitions
Takeaway digital toolkit and signposting

Follow up assignments to work on at school
  Getting the most from work experience
Career Exploration Knowing the labour market
Careers of today and tomorrow
Are these real careers?
University options Know your options
What's University like?
Russell Group Universities
Application process
Study & work options
Living away from home
Apprenticeships Know your options & case studies- including Degree Apprenticeships
Parent Guidance All students visiting the Qdos Career Hub will take away a Parents' Guide - options for progression in education & work  
Careers & Networking Events Pathways - exploring options (with regional opportunities highlighted)
Careers in STEM day
Careers in our Digital Economy
National Apprenticeship Week
National Careers Week

All Hub users will have access to Qdos Advisers for 1:1 career coaching and group career support.


There will be a range of activities available to support adults to identify their career potential, upskill, reskill and find employment opportunities.

Sample activities include:

  • Digital skills and other essential work skills training opportunities
  • Support with enhancing career management skills
  • Employability skills sessions, including volunteering and work experience opportunities
  • Support with CV building/updating, job searches and job interviews
  • Employer brokerage for job seekers
  • Individual career counselling sessions
  • National Careers Service, labour market and the needs of employers
  • Access to creative online resources and labour market information